Weworknga.com Review | Is Weworknga Legit or Scam? Find Out Here.

If you finding a new platform to earn online, Weworknga.com is one of the new website online that promise to provide such services.

Weworknga requires user to deposit on their website, in order to earn on their website. Which is one of the reasons why we reviewed Weworknga.com to make readers know how to operate the website. And know if is really worth their investment.

    Weworknga.com Review

    We have bring to you this honest Weworknga review to make you know more about the website to effectively earn on it.

    At the end of the article you will find out things like how to withdraw on Weworknga.com and other stuffs.

    What is Weworknga.com

    Weworknga.com is a website that maintained that they are providing a workplace where their users or members can use to come together as one. And provide many earning options.

    Wework claims it has grown into a global workplace that deliver affordable solution. With services like freelancing to fortune. And looking forward to be more productive in the future of work.

    Weworknga.com said that they were founded in 2010, with their first location in New York City. Wework said that they will hold a affiliate event in November 18.

    How to Earn from Weworknga.com/How does Weworknga.com work

    As a new Weworknga.com user, the website welcomes you with the sum of 200 Naira as a welcome bonus. 

    In order to earn on Wework, it requires topping up account to invest on the earning office on the website. Before, talking about the different earning office on Weworknga, After registration new users can receive red envelope daily when they join the groups. And this Weworknga.com red envelope is said to be distributed around 2 pm daily.

    Here are some of the earning office on Weworknga.com with their profit and period of contract.

    Simple office A- 3,000 Naira.

    Daily profit of 150 Naira. 

    Hourly profit of 6.25 Naira.

    120 days validity of contract.

    Simple office B- 10,000 Naira on Weworknga.

    Daily profit of 540 Naira. 

    Hourly profit of 22.5 Naira.

    120 days validity of contract.

    Simple office C- 25,000 Naira.

    Daily profit of 1,452 Naira. 

    Hourly profit of 60.5 Naira.

    120 days validity of contract.

    Standard office A- 60,000 Naira on Wework.

    Daily profit of 3,720 Naira. 

    Hourly profit of 155 Naira.

    150 days validity of contract.

    Standard office B- 120,000 Naira.

    8,040 Naira daily profit. 

    335 Naira hourly profit.

    150 days validity of contract.

    Standard office C- 240,000 Naira.

    17,280 Naira daily profit. 

    720 Naira hourly profit.

    150 days validity of contract.

    Senior office A- 500,000 Naira.

    38,496 Naira daily profit. 

    1,604 Naira hourly profit.

    180 days validity of contract.

    Senior office B- 1,000,000 Naira on Weworknga.com.

    82,008 Naira daily profit. 

    3417 Naira hourly profit.

    Valid for 180 days.

    Senior office C- 5,000,000 Naira on Weworknga.com.

    435,000 Naira daily profit. 

    181.25 Naira hourly profit.

    Valid for 180 days.

    Senior office S- 10,000,000 Naira on Weworknga.com.

    9499992 Naira daily profit. 

    395833 Naira hourly profit.

    Valid for 180 days.

    Become a Weworknga agents by forming a group on the website. And this can be done by inviting more individuals to site. And get daily income daily. This Weworknga.com agent can also get up to 20,000 Naira per week by getting your team's income.
    Agent of Weworknga have to recharge 120,00 by their self.

    Wework give a referral bonus of 10% for level 1, 5% for level 2, 3% for level 3 and so on.

    How to get Weworknga.com Referrals

    We said earlier that one of the ways to earn on Weworknga.com is through referral.

    Find and send you Weworknga referral link or code in the team section of the website.


    When was Weworknga.com Launched

    Weworknga.com was launched in October 2022. And they claim to have to be founded in 2010.

    Who is the Owner of Weworknga.com

    Weworknga did not provide the name or identity of their owner or founder.

    And we thing the website did this because, they are still very new.

    Weworknga.com Sign Up

    Sign up on Weworknga.com by following the processes stated below.

    * Click on Weworknga.com or search for Weworknga directly on your browser.

    * Enter phone number and password, re-enter password, invitation code (Optional), Verification code provided in the box. Then proceed by tapping 'Submit'.

    * Verify two step authentication that makes only you have access to your Weworknga account. This Weworknga.com two step verification authentication requires entering your commonly used email, birthday date. Then click 'confirm'

    After completing this, you have completely signed up on Weworknga.com, which is free and easy. 

    The two step authentication will be useful to change Weworknga password, withdrawal security pin for future purposes.

    You can also download the Weworknga.com app through the website for more user experience and accessibility.

    Weworknga.com Login

    After signing up on Weworknga.com, the only thing to login on the website is the phone number and password.

    How to Withdraw on Weworknga.com

    The minimum withdrawal threshold on Weworknga.com is 1,000 Naira and withdrawal can only be done twice a day. This withdrawal is available on Monday to Sunday from 9am to 6pm.

    Withdraw on Weworknga by:

    * Clicking the withdraw button on the site homepage.

    * Enter amount to withdraw.

    * choose withdrawal method. And complete withdrawal.

    Wework advises their users not to use Opay (Paycom) and PLC bank card to withdraw money on their platform.

    There is withdrawal charges of 10% on Weworknga for government taxes and other fees.

    Is Weworknga.com Legit or Scam

    Searching the internet, we did not find anything to claim if that Weworknga.com is legit or scam.

    Although, Weworknga provided a evidence of payment with bank alert or statement of withdrawal on their website. But that does not proof anything because we have seen platform in the past with the same feature that eventually turned out to be scam. And we don't expect a site to make a bad review about itself.

    There is a 70% probability that Weworknga is a scam. Which makes us advise individuals reading this article not to invest or deposit on Weworknga. And if they are willing to risk investment on the site to test if it it scam or legit. They should not put what will hurt them if they lose it.

    Fill in your questions and opinions about Weworknga.com below.

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